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God /ˈɡɒd/ (capitalization: ‘G’ in God, ‘god’ otherwise) is the English name of a singular being in theistic and deistic religions (and other belief systems) who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism. God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. Religion is one of the most powerful institutions on earth. It’s focus on stories, rituals and traditions has given it a strong monopoly on the minds of human beings. The power of this phenomenon cannot be overstated and its relatively cheap price is one of its biggest selling points.

Jesus christ

Jesus (c. 4 BC – c. AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity, and is widely described as the most influential person in history. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament God is an all-knowing, all-present, all-good, and all-powerful being. He is eternal and has existed throughout time; he created space, the Universe, and everything that exists. He is a spirit by nature (John 4:24) and invisible to human eyes (John 1:18). He thinks, acts and speaks. He communicates with us through the Bible. God has a unique personality — His own character. He is holy (Psalm 99:9), just (Psalm 89:14), loving (1 John 4:16), merciful (Exodus 34:6–7), compassionate (Isaiah 63:9), gracious (James 4:6), patient (Exodus 34:6–7), faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9), truthful (Numbers 23:19), and sovereign over all creation.

Jesus christ superstar

“Jesus Christ Superstar” is a musical play loosely based on the Gospels of the New Testament. It is a kind of late 20th-century Passion play with a late point-of-attack — it opens just as Jesus enters Jerusalem the week before his death. The main characters are all familiar to anyone with a working knowledge of the New Testament — Jesus, Judas, Mary Magdalene, Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate, Herod and the disciples. Jesus Christ Superstar is a sung-through rock opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice. Loosely based on the Gospels’ accounts of the Passion, the work interprets the psychology of Jesus and other characters, with much of the plot centered on Judas, who is dissatisfied with the direction in which Jesus is steering his disciples. Contemporary attitudes, sensibilities and slang pervade the rock opera’s lyrics, and ironic allusions to modern life are scattered throughout the depiction of political events. Stage and film productions accordingly contain many intentional anachronisms.

Jesus christ meme

God jesus is the name given to a photoshopped picture of christ. This meme features a picture of Jesus that has been photoshopped to make him resemble the god jesus from Greek mythology. The image is used as an exploitable and is typically captioned with the phrase “Well God Jesus Can Be Such A Jerk Sometimes.” God Jesus is a biblical figure who assisted God during creation and the great flood. He appeared on Earth before his crucifixion, in the form of Jim Caviezel. These days, he keeps busy with Internet memes.

Jesus christ cross

This is a jesus christ cross that you can use to save yourself from the sin of your own body. The power of this jesus cross will bring the whole humanity together in no time and you will finally be able to understand how everything works. Just pay attention to what is written and everything will make sense. Trust me, I am a good hearted man. This is not a marketing gimmick. This is the real deal. This jesus christ cross really brings people together, and it does so in an incredibly beautiful way. You’ll truly feel like you’ve become a part of something bigger than yourself and your friends. I can’t wait to introduce this product to my friends. I’m sure they’re going to love it too!

Jesus christ crucifixion

The crucifixion of Jesus occurred in 1st-century Judea, most likely in either AD 30 or AD 33. Jesus’ crucifixion is described in the four canonical gospels, referred to in the New Testament epistles, attested to by other ancient sources, and is considered an established historical event by many, although there is no consensus among historians on the exact details According to the canonical gospels, Jesus was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin, and then by Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him to be scourged, and finally crucified by the Romans. Jesus was stripped of his clothing and offered vinegar mixed with myrrh or gall (likely posca), to drink after saying “I am thirsty”. He was then hung between two convicted thieves and, according to the Gospel of Mark, died by the 9th hour of the day (at around 3:00 p.m.). During this time, the soldiers affixed a sign to the top of the cross stating “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” which, according to the Gospel of John (John 19:20), was written in three languages (Hebrew, Latin, and Greek). They then divided his garments among themselves and cast lots for his seamless robe, according to the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John also states that, after Jesus’ death, one soldier (named in extra-Biblical tradition as Longinus) pierced his side with a spear to be certain that he had died, then blood and water gushed from the wound. The Bible describes seven statements that Jesus made while he was on the cross, as well as several supernatural events that occurred. Collectively referred to as the Passion, Jesus’ suffering and redemptive death by crucifixion are the central aspects of Christian theology concerning the doctrines of salvation and atonement.

Jesus christ is born

Although most Christians celebrate December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ, few in the first two Christian centuries claimed any knowledge of the exact day or year in which he was born. The oldest existing record of a Christmas celebration is found in a Roman almanac that tells of a Christ’s Nativity festival led by the church of Rome in 336 A.D. The precise reason why Christmas came to be celebrated on December 25 remains obscure, but most researchers believe that Christmas originated as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice. To early Christians (and to many Christians today), the most important holiday on the Christian calendar was Easter, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, as Christianity began to take hold in the Roman world, in the early fourth century, church leaders had to contend with a popular Roman pagan holiday commemorating the “birthday of the unconquered sun” (natalis solis invicti)–the Roman name for the winter solstice. Every winter, Romans honored the pagan god Saturn, the god of agriculture, with Saturnalia, a festival that began on December 17 and usually ended on or around December 25 with a winter-solstice celebration in honor of the beginning of the new solar cycle. This festival was a time of merrymaking, and families and friends would exchange gifts. At the same time, Mithraism—worship of the ancient Persian god of light—was popular in the Roman army, and the cult held some of its most important rituals on the winter solstice.

Jesus christ tattoo

Tattoos can be of anything, but choosing a meaningful design will ensure you have no regrets. Those who are devoted to their faith and want to honor their relationship with God can do this with body art that involves religious imagery. One of the most popular choices is of Jesus Christ because he is, to many, a symbol of unconditional love and sacrifice. Your piece could include several images, including Jesus and a lamb, the Virgin Mary, quotes and Bible verses, and a cross. Each design is open to interpretation, letting the wearer express themselves. Your inking could bring you comfort, give you hope, and remind you to focus on being a good and kind person. Below are some of the best Jesus tattoos to inspire your next design. Jesus tattoo designs are for religious fanatics. These tattoos portray Jesus in all phases of his life. You can choose an image of Jesus being born or Jesus as a shepherd or even Jesus being crucified. You can make the tattoo realistic or keep it a simple black outline or silhouette. Also, you can make it large or small. The various Jesus tattoo designs are hence becoming popular not only in Christians but worldwide. They not only show your love towards Jesus but also give you a spiritual look. The finest Jesus tattoos with images and meanings for both men and women.

Jesus christ quotes

The words of Jesus Christ are life changing and timeless. When Jesus spoke, lives were transformed and the trajectory of life forever altered. He tells us that He is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6), and His words have remarkable power. Whether you are just beginning to seek Jesus or have been a believer for years, the Word of God can always speak new truths into your life! Be inspired by these quotes of the Son of God from the Word of God! Here we have gathered of our favorite Jesus quotes to encourage you in love and faith. May these quotes from Jesus Christ remind you of the timeless wisdom He gave to us and His eternal love for us. Let us give thanks for the teachings of Jesus and for His sacrifice on the cross for our eternal salvation. You maybe someone strong in the faith or you may be a skeptic of Jesus being the Son of God – but all can agree that the teachings of Jesus offer valuable wisdom and guidance for life.

Jesus christ birthday

The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical reference, but most biblical scholars assume a year of birth between 6 and 4 BC. The historical evidence is too incomplete to allow a definitive dating, but the year is estimated through three different approaches: by analyzing references to known historical events mentioned in the nativity accounts in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, by working backward from the estimation of the start of the ministry of Jesus, and astrological or astronomical alignments. The common Christian traditional dating of the birthdate of Jesus was 25 December, a date first asserted officially by Pope Julius I in 350 A.D., although this claim was dubious or otherwise unfounded. The day or season has been estimated by various methods, including the description of shepherds watching over their sheep.

Jesus christ resurrection

Believing that the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead is essential for Christians. Merely recognizing that He died for our sins is not enough; we must accept His resurrection in order to receive eternal life. Christ paid our debt, but His sacrifice on the cross means nothing if He possesses no power over the grave. In vanquishing evil and death, the Lord made our salvation possible. Jesus’ resurrection proved He was able to remove sin and its penalty. Assuming Christ remained dead would mean accepting the opposite – that believers are still in sin. And the inevitable end of a sinful life is death. Consequently, a person who denies Christ’s eternal nature looks toward a void future. Bertrand Russell, a famous atheistic philosopher, offered this sad description of such hopelessness: “Brief and powerless is man’s life. On his and all his race, the slow sure doom falls, pitiless and dark.”

Jesus christ god

God has always been a source of inspiration and hope; people used it to build strength and courage in time of need. Today, we have collected 52 amazing Christian quotes about faith. These God quotes are sure to inspire you and instill faith within your heart.

Jesus christ prayer

The Jesus Prayer, also known as The Prayer, is a short formulaic prayer esteemed and advocated especially within the Eastern churches: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The prayer has been widely taught and discussed throughout the history of the Orthodox Church. The ancient and original form did not include the words “a sinner”, which were added later. It is often repeated continually as a part of personal ascetic practice, its use being an integral part of the eremitic tradition of prayer known as hesychasm. The prayer is particularly esteemed by the spiritual fathers of this tradition (see Philokalia) as a method of cleaning and opening up the mind and after this the heart (kardia) and bringing about firstly the Prayer of the Mind or more correctly the Noetic Prayer (Νοερά Προσευχή) and after this the Prayer of the Heart. The Prayer of the Heart is considered to be the Unceasing Prayer that the Apostle Paul advocates in the New Testament. Theophan the Recluse regarded the Jesus Prayer stronger than all other prayers by virtue of the power of the Holy Name of Jesus.

Jesus christ art

Christian art is sacred art which uses themes and imagery from Christianity. Most Christian groups use or have used art to some extent, although some have had strong objections to some forms of religious image, and there have been major periods of iconoclasm within Christianity. Images of Jesus and narrative scenes from the Life of Christ are the most common subjects, and scenes from the Old Testament play a part in the art of most denominations. Images of the Virgin Mary and saints are much rarer in Protestant art than that of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Christianity makes far wider use of images than related religions, in which figurative representations are forbidden, such as Islam and Judaism. However, there is also a considerable history of aniconism in Christianity from various periods.

Jesus christ portrait

Throughout history, Jesus Christ has been one of the most prominent figures in art and the written word. Jesus Christ is perhaps the most renowned and known figure that exists throughout history, and many have sought to capture his likeness for a variety of reasons. Some have wished to exalt him on a personal level, as a pact made between themselves and their spirituality, and others have wanted to inspire his followers by creating a visual connection between themselves and Jesus Christ. Regardless of their intentions, history has shown that many great artists have created visually striking and timeless works of art based both around Jesus Christ and his followers. These paintings sometimes show Jesus as a young man, throughout his life or during his final days, but they are always meaningful and profound.

Jesus cross

The Jesus cross is an item that’s not only for Christians. It’s for anyone who needs a reminder of the love Jesus has for all people. God created man in His image. God made men and women to be different, not just physically but also in the way we think and process our thoughts. Men will be able to understand their relationship with God better as they learn to follow Him rather than trying to be like Him. God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. Jesus, also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. Christians believe that he is the Son of God and the awaited Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.

Jesus christ on the cross

The crucifixion of Jesus occurred in 1st-century Judea, most likely in either AD 30 or AD 33. Jesus’ crucifixion is described in the four canonical gospels, referred to in the New Testament epistles, attested to by other ancient sources, and is considered an established historical event by many, although there is no consensus among historians on the exact details. According to the canonical gospels, Jesus was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin, and then by Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him to be scourged, and finally crucified by the Romans. The Bible describes seven statements that Jesus made while he was on the cross, as well as several supernatural events that occurred. Collectively referred to as the Passion, Jesus’ suffering and redemptive death by crucifixion are the central aspects of Christian theology concerning the doctrines of salvation and atonement. The use of crucifixes by Catholics follows an ancient tradition that honors the supreme sacrifice of Jesus. While the empty cross is a common Christian symbol shared by all Christian churches, Catholics stand out for their frequent use of the crucifix, a cross that shows the tortured body of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church has honored the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross from the earliest days of Christianity. Initially this was done in a veiled way, using symbolic figures to represent Jesus on the cross. Initially the Greek letters tau (T) and rho (P) were interposed, and created an abstract image that looks like someone on the cross.

Jesus cross tattoo

Tattoos can be of anything, but choosing a meaningful design will ensure you have no regrets. Those who are devoted to their faith and want to honor their relationship with God can do this with body art that involves religious imagery. One of the most popular choices is of Jesus Christ because he is, to many, a symbol of unconditional love and sacrifice. Your piece could include several images, including Jesus and a lamb, the Virgin Mary, quotes and Bible verses, and a cross. Each design is open to interpretation, letting the wearer express themselves. Your inking could bring you comfort, give you hope, and remind you to focus on being a good and kind person. Below are some of the best Jesus tattoos to inspire your next design. Jesus cross tattoo designs are for religious fanatics. These tattoos portray Jesus in all phases of his life. You can choose an image of Jesus being born or Jesus as a shepherd or even Jesus being crucified. You can make the tattoo realistic or keep it a simple black outline or silhouette. Also, you can make it large or small. The various Jesus tattoo designs are hence becoming popular not only in Christians but worldwide. They not only show your love towards Jesus but also give you a spiritual look. The finest Jesus cross tattoo with images and meanings for both men and women.

Jesus quotes

Jesus Quotes, Jesus Christ quotes and Christian Quotes are pervasive. Here are the best quotes I have found of Jesus Christ that we could dig up. Jesus quotes The book of Proverbs from the King James Bible(Holy Bible) contains 33,183 words. A computer could pull that many words from a dictionary in about one minute. The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and contains 43,743 words. In all, the King James Bible has 788,258 total words.The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9.[1]Ruth 3:15 is the second longest at 42 words.[2]If you add up all 603,550 of the words found in the original languages and translate them into English, your word count would be 1,569,480 There are 31,173 verses in the Old Testament and 7,959 verses in the New Testament. There are 66 books altogether. That comes to 3.9 verses per chapter on average as there are 1189 chapters total.

Quotes of jesus

Do you need Quotes of jesus? In the New Testament there are many words of Jesus that can help us with everyday life situations. There are so much more things that Jesus said and many other Christian quotes that were not written down on this list. Jesus is the heir of all things. He is God in the flesh. He is the propitiation for our sins. Jesus is the founder of our salvation. Jesus is the same forever. He will always be the only way into Heaven. Without Jesus there is no life. All the good in your life comes from Christ. Glory be to our Lord. Repent and put your trust in Christ today. Compilation of the best Quotes of jesus about love, life, and salvation. Let these inspirational Bible verses bring you peace in your life. Let these powerful Bible quotes resonate in your actions.

About jesus quotes

Be inspired by these quotes of the Son of God from the Word of God! Here we have gathered many of our favorite Jesus quotes to encourage you in love and faith. May these quotes from Jesus Christ remind you of the timeless wisdom He gave to us and His eternal love for us. Let us give thanks for the teachings of Jesus and for His sacrifice on the cross for our eternal salvation. You maybe someone strong in the faith or you may be a skeptic of Jesus being the Son of God – but all can agree that the teachings of Jesus offer valuable wisdom and guidance for life. The words of Jesus Christ are life changing and timeless. When Jesus spoke, lives were transformed and the trajectory of life forever altered. He tells us that He is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6), and His words have remarkable power. Whether you are just beginning to seek Jesus or have been a believer for years, the Word of God can always speak new truths into your life!

Jesus quotes love

Jesus of Nazareth, born between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., is the central religious figure of Christianity. Even though his ministry only lasted approximately 3 1/2 years, he left a lasting impact on the whole world for generations to come. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s teachings help you learn more about the most influential person who ever lived. Let these words mold the template of your Christian life. His love for humanity endures forever and covers the multitude of sins. Christians serve a loving God. Christ loved the church so much that He sacrificed Himself for the church. Nothing will separate us from God because God the Father has loved us since the beginning of time. Below is a compilation of the best Jesus quotes about love, life, and salvation. Let these inspirational Bible verses bring you peace in your life. Let these powerful Bible quotes resonate in your actions.

Jesus quotes on faith

What does the Bible teach us about having Jesus quotes on faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us “…faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The encouragement of faith in God is arguably the most dominant message of the Bible. Scripture compels us to have faith in God and the commandments of his Word, following the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. In this collection of scripture passages, you will discover the most significant Bible verses about faith! It’s easy to “lose faith” in life. Undoubtedly we are hit with devastating news, difficult situations, and worries. The storms that come can cause us to doubt God really loves us and knows best for us. It is in these difficult times that it’s vital we recall God’s promises from Scripture for those who believe. As followers of Christ, those who have faith are promised blessings and a prosperous future. The Bible verses listed below can offer you strength and hope today and for tomorrow. May these be a source of growing faith in your life.

Jesus quotes christmas

Perhaps the best part of the Christmas season is that it isn’t just one day of excitement, but a whole month filled with exciting festivities and decorations. There are the Christmas quotes that start popping up on your social media feed as soon as Thanksgiving Day has passed, the Christmas songs that are seemingly everywhere from Dec. 1 to New Year’s Day, and the famous red-and-green Christmas decorations that pop up in people’s front yards and storefronts. With all the excitement and fanfare that goes into the Christmas holiday, it can be easy to forget the true meaning of the season. For Christians who celebrate Christmas, it’s important to keep the meaning of Christmas top of mind when celebrating. One easy way to keep the Biblical meaning of Christmas top of mind throughout the month of December (and throughout the year, too) is to have religious Christmas quotes top of mind as you put up your decorations, bake your Christmas cookies, and write your Christmas cards. These don’t necessarily have to be Christmas Bible verses, but rather thoughtful, short reminders of the true meaning of the season. If you have kids, you could challenge your little ones to memorize a new quote every week or you could recite a new quote at the dinner table every evening. No matter how you use them, these religious Christmas quotes will bring the focus back to Christ, the true reason for the season.

Faith in jesus quotes

Whether you are a Christian struggling to have faith or someone seeking to learn more about faith in God, the following Bible verses about faith will offer guidance and hope. Scripture tells us that as Christians, our faith will be tested, but that we can grow stronger in our relationship with Christ when we persevere. It’s OK to waver in your faith – trials and hardships can make you doubt God’s presence. But, it’s vital that we turn back to Scripture and the truths in God’s word about who He is and the plans He has for us. Scripture reminds us that God is with us always, He is for us, and He wants to comfort and provide peace in every situation.May these Bible verses about faith inspire your heart and mind and build your trust in God. Meditate and pray over these verses when you feel anxieties rise and you question God’s goodness. Before you begin, let’s bring our needs and concerns before the Lord with this Prayer for FaithFather, even the disciples that walked with Jesus needed to strengthen their faith. Jesus told them if their faith was only the size of a mustard seed, they could uproot trees and crumble mountains. Lord, I need more faith like the disciples. Increase my faith and make me a mover of mountains. Grow my belief in You alone so that I would be strong in the Lord and ready to battle against the doubts planted by the enemy. Lord, increase my faith! Amen.

Jesus quotes for christmas

The Christmas quotes that start popping up on your social media feed as soon as Thanksgiving Day has passed, the Christmas songs that are seemingly everywhere from Dec. 1 to New Year’s Day, and the famous red-and-green Christmas decorations that pop up in people’s front yards and storefronts. With all the excitement and fanfare that goes into the Christmas holiday, it can be easy to forget the true meaning of the season. For Christians who celebrate Christmas, it’s important to keep the meaning of Christmas top of mind when celebrating. Jesus was a for the poor and the outcasts, and these are the people he identified with. The true meaning of Christmas is to share in that spirit of love and be joyful ourselves. So truly, Christmas embodies a spirit of sharing, togetherness, and community – putting our differences aside to celebrate … From festive Christmas quotes to short poems, Scriptures, and Bible verses, there are plenty of ways to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas—your love for Jesus Christ. The following Christmas quotes will remind you why we’re all about celebrating this time of year.

Jesus thank you quotes

Say these thank God quotes while you’re praying to thank God for everything. God is watching over us, showing us the way to a happy life with countless gifts. The least we can do is thank the Almighty with these few thank God quotes. Some of us only remember the Lord when we’re stuck in a pickle. Some of only remember the Lord when we have happy times. Keep God always in your heart. God is with us through everything, giving us strength for everything at every moment, so should we thank the Almighty for everything we have. We can say thank you to God everyday by living a good and just life, we can also thank Him through prayer and through our everyday actions. So, use these beautiful thank God quotes in your next prayer. If you liked our thank you God quotes go check out faith in God quotes.

Jesus quotes in the bible

The Jesus quotes in the bible is full of verses pointing to Jesus. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He is the messiah that all the prophesies point to. If you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ you will have victory over death. If you are seeking for your verse of the day, look no further. Use this list as one of your study tools or your Bible study. The following verses will prove Jesus is the living God who came to fulfill the law and the prophets. If there’s one thing you can learn from the past year, it’s that you can find faith in anything. Whether you find it in random acts of kindness, books, nature and or even in some of your favorite Bible verses, all it takes is one word that truly speaks to you to make you feel like you can keep going. The Bible has words of wisdom to help you through difficult experiences like grief, anxiety, and depression. But there are also Bible quotes to help you celebrate your moments of joy, family, and love. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, the Bible has words to lift you up and remind you that you are loved. These verses from the Bible can change your perspective on life. Maybe you’re looking for some guidance around your relationships and friendships, or maybe you’re looking for words to keep you going when parenting gets tough. Or perhaps you’re just looking for something to bring a smile to your face and give you direction for tonight’s prayer discussion. Whatever you’re looking for, these powerful Bible verses are sure to help guide you.

Jesus quotes short

When it comes to memorizing short Bible quotes or Bible verses or scripture quotes, there are plenty of short quotes in scripture to learn. Many people learn and memorize inspiring Bible verses in classes called Bible study. The Bible is oftentimes used by Christians to say something about what it means in their daily life or daily interactions. This is why people often have the best short Bible quotes, scripture, and verses memorized. A lot of the verses in the Bible can be lengthy but there are many short verses that you can find inspiration and strength. A simple Bible verse are shorter verses from the Bible. Passages from the Bible that are short make really good short Bible verses for kids that remind them of God’s love. The verses and scriptures from the Bible are known as the Word of God.

Jesus loves you quotes

God quotes Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived. His love for humanity encompasses all people. He taught us how to live according to God’s will by loving your neighbor as yourself and dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus changed the world for ever and promised an eternal life for all who believe in Him. These inspirational Bible verses about the love of Christ will renew your mind and strengthen your faith. Jesus quotes about love for humanity can bring you closer to Christ. Christ loves us with an unfailing love that He died for us. These inspirational quotes from Jesus help remind us of the importance of God in our lives. Think about Jesus’ love for you as you go through your day. You were created in God’s image, which means you are like a special work of art to the Father. Take these quotes, which encompass the essence of His saving grace and power, with you in thoughts and actions today.

I love you jesus quotes

Jesus quotes about love for humanity can bring you closer to Christ. Christ loves us with an unfailing love that He died for us. These inspirational quotes from Jesus help remind us of the importance of God in our lives. Think about Jesus’ love for you as you go through your day. You were created in God’s image, which means you are like a special work of art to the Father. Take these quotes, which encompass the essence of His saving grace and power, with you in thoughts and actions today. Jesus Quotes Love is a collection of bible verses, each one can also be shared by social media. The text is sourced from the Bible so you can be confident that it is a trustworthy source of God’s Word. The love of God is reflected in the words of Jesus. The greatest Christian quotes from some of the most influential people who follow Christianity are included below.

Jesus tattoo

Jesus Tattoos are a permanent type of body art, but like most things in life, can also be temporary. A tattoo artist will show you the many designs of Jesus tattoos and give you advice on what type of image would work best for you. This tattoo is an exact replica of jesus tattoo. Made with a special technology that will last for many years. you can expect to receive a lot of attention when wearing this tattoo and people will be asking you where did you get that! features a full color photo of jesus sitting on a cross, applied with a transfer sticker to protect the tattoo during application and removed after application. water proof and easy to apply. perfect for parties or other events.

Jesus cross tattoo

This unique design features a cross with the name Jesus underneath. This temporary tattoo is perfect for anyone who wants to share their faith without the commitment of permanent ink. The cross is a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on our behalf. This simple black cross tattoo is a constant symbol of our relationship with Jesus. The cross on your wrist will be a daily reminder that He has carried our burdens and died for us. The cross of Christ, or crucifix, is a religious symbol which has come to mean the way of Christ and in one glance, the entire story of Christianity from Jesus’ birth and sacrificial death, to his resurrection and eternal life. Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, then rose to life again.

Jesus tattoo ideas

Jesus is one of the most well-known people throughout history. Whether a person believes upon him or not, there is rarely anyone who does not know what he stands for. Christians who believe in getting tattoos often get a Jesus tattoo to remind them of the sacrifice he made. Jesus tattoos look different from one another because no one person can agree on what he actually looks like. Some Jesus tattoos depict him as sorrowful while others go with a more serene looking Jesus tattoo. Each expression has its own meaning and the person choosing the tattoo wanted it for their own purpose. A tattoo of Jesus can be a powerful statement and speak where words fail. The most popular place for a Jesus tattoo is the back, since the canvas is so large people are able to use this space to make the perfect statement. Wanting a Jesus tattoo? Look below for an idea that may inspire you.

Jesus lion tattoo

Revered in many ancient cultures, the lion is a powerful animal, heading the animal kingdom and even named ‘king of the jungle.’ The lion also stands as a religious symbol in multiple faiths, including Christianity and Hinduism. That’s why lions are such common motifs in tattooing, with people channeling various of their traits by permanently inking them on their bodies. Below, we’ve put together a lion tattoo guide, explaining the meanings behind each of the different possible lion tattoo designs, as well as the best style, locations, and partner designs for lion tattoos. So read on to be inundated with an influx of lion tattoo ideas. Generally speaking, there are a number of qualities associated with lion tattoos including courage, power, masculinity, royalty, peace, life, vitality, guardianship, protection, and ferocity. Beyond that, specific lion tattoos associated with certain cultures, types of lions, or facets of the lion image can also have specific meanings of their own.

Jesus walks

Jesus walks on the water. Jesus feeds his people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus heals the sick, he makes the blind see and the lame walk, and Jesus raises the dead. To pay back mankind’s disloyalty, God forsakes Jesus during his crucifixion. Nevertheless, Jesus dies a martyr and then is resurrected 3 days later, conquering death itself. “Jesus Walks” is a reference to the song by Kanye West with the same name released in 2004. The single reached number 11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was certified Gold by the RIAA. The song received a Grammy for Best Rap Song at the 47th Grammy Awards. Michael Himelstein from Rolling Stone ranks “Jesus Walks” at number 395 on its list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

Jesus walks on water

The account of Jesus walking on the water is recorded three times in the scriptures. It’s significant to note that Matthew, Mark, and John, three of Jesus’ disciples, are who recount the story. Luke was not a disciple of Jesus during his earthly ministry and his gospel doesn’t mention Jesus walking on water. This means the story of Jesus walking on water is recorded in three reports by eyewitnesses, which authenticates its veracity. This is significant because walking on water is a miracle.

God quotes

Tired of looking for a good quote from the gods? Now, with God Quotes, you can find a good quote from the gods at any time on your phone! Good quotes from the gods about life, about life, about love, about work … and many more topics. The God quotes and saying app is not only for Christians but for all who believe in God. This app can also be used by anyone who wants to be inspired or motivated by reading or listening to the words of these great men and women of God. God is one, but he exists in three distinct persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are never separate, but they are distinct. God is eternal and without beginning or end (Isaiah 44:6; Psalm 139:7-10). He is omnipresent because he is present at every place at once (Jeremiah 23:23-24). He is omnipotent, all-powerful and able to do anything that doesn’t go against his nature (Psalm 145:3; Matthew 19:26). He is omniscient and knows everything about everyone (1 John 3:20; Isaiah 46:10). God created all things and continues to sustain them through his providence (Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:28). He is above all things, not limited by time or space, perfect in his love and holiness (Psalm 104:24; 1 John 4:8; 1 Peter 1:15-16).

God quotes trust

It is not always easy to remain trusting in the Lord with all your heart, so we have compiled for you some words about God that will reaffirm your faith. More than anyone else, it’s God who wants you to have a heart full of faith so that you can live a happy and satisfying life before finally moving on to your next life. These quotes about God will enlighten your path to heaven, and help you trust the Lord better, so check out these put your trust in God quotes. You may not know this yet but faith is what you have been looking for all your life. Faith keeps you strong when times get rough, it sits in your stomach peacefully for months and years and rises to soothe you when you need it the most. And your faith needs you as much as you need it, so replenish your faith and trust in something beyond yourself with the help of quotes on trusting God. We have some quotes relating to Bible verses about trusting in God, trust in God verses, our favorite trusting God verse, trusting God scriptures, Godly quotes on love, quotes about trusting God and quotes about trust in God more generally for you to read.

God quotes strength

There are those days when your mind and body are feeling tired and just plain weak. Maybe you’re exhausted from a crazy busy week at work or dealing with stressful health issues. In either case, it’s probable that you’re suffering from a good old-fashioned case of burnout. But a bad week or career bump in the road shall pass, and these Bible verses about strength and God quotes about strength might just help get you through it. When you’re feeling down and out, we often look to family and loved ones for encouragement. In addition, for many people, their Bible provides meaningful verses and relatable stories to help pull them out of their slump. In the Bible, you can find reassuring Bible verses about hope that are encouraging and uplifting, as well as Bible verses about healing. Scripture can serve as a great reminder that, with a little faith, strength can always be found, even when we think it’s lost. Whether you are feeling spiritually, mentally, or physically weak at the moment, we hope these 20 Bible verses about finding strength will help you find courage, peace, and calm within you and around you to face your world.

God quotes love

God of Nazareth, born between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., is the central religious figure of Christianity. Even though his ministry only lasted approximately 3 1/2 years, he left a lasting impact on the whole world for generations to come. Our Lord and Savior God Christ’s teachings help you learn more about the most influential person who ever lived. Let these words mold the template of your Christian life. His love for humanity endures forever and covers the multitude of sins. Christians serve a loving God. Christ loved the church so much that He sacrificed Himself for the church. Nothing will separate us from God because God the Father has loved us since the beginning of time. Below is a compilation of the best God quotes about love, life, and salvation. Let these inspirational Bible verses bring you peace in your life. Let these powerful Bible quotes resonate in your actions.

Thank you god quotes

Say these thank God quotes while you’re praying to thank God for everything. God is watching over us, showing us the way to a happy life with countless gifts. The least we can do is thank the Almighty with these few thank God quotes. Some of us only remember the Lord when we’re stuck in a pickle. Some of only remember the Lord when we have happy times. Keep God always in your heart. God is with us through everything, giving us strength for everything at every moment, so should we thank the Almighty for everything we have. We can say thank you to God everyday by living a good and just life, we can also thank Him through prayer and through our everyday actions. So, use these beautiful thank God quotes in your next prayer. If you liked our thank you God quotes go check out faith in God quotes.

God quotes on faith

What does the Bible teach us about having God quotes on faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us “…faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The encouragement of faith in God is arguably the most dominant message of the Bible. Scripture compels us to have faith in God and the commandments of his Word, following the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. In this collection of scripture passages, you will discover the most significant Bible verses about faith! It’s easy to “lose faith” in life. Undoubtedly we are hit with devastating news, difficult situations, and worries. The storms that come can cause us to doubt God really loves us and knows best for us. It is in these difficult times that it’s vital we recall God’s promises from Scripture for those who believe. As followers of Christ, those who have faith are promised blessings and a prosperous future. The Bible verses listed below can offer you strength and hope today and for tomorrow. May these be a source of growing faith in your life.

God quotes inspirational

Having faith in God is the best hope and assurance, it provides that everything will be okay, as he is there for us even in the most difficult times. Faith in God is something that should be practiced every day, especially in more challenging times. When you are struggling, always remember not to lose faith in him, whether it’s happiness or sorrow. He is right beside us to guide and protect us from all the bad in the world. Here are some of the best faith in God quotes that will motivate you to have faith in him even in tough times. If you enjoy this God quotes inspirational, make sure to check out Christian quotes about faith and thank you God quotes from our collection.

God quotes blessings

Reminding ourselves of our everyday blessings is a great way to practice gratitude. It helps us remember all the good things in our lives and keep us moving forward. So whether you’re looking for a motivational reminder, something to pick you up if you’re feeling down, or a simple blessing to start your morning– we have you covered. We’ve made a complete list of our top picks for blessed quotes, just for you. To find your new favorite blessed quotes, start reading below. Reminding ourselves of our everyday blessings is a great way to practice gratitude. It helps us remember all the good things in our lives and keep us moving forward. So whether you’re looking for a motivational reminder, something to pick you up if you’re feeling down, or a simple blessing to start your morning– we have you covered. Searching for blessed quotes or blessings quotes? Here are quotes about God that will give you all the motivation you need to start your day.

God quotes for life

In the New Testament there are many words of Jesus that can help us with everyday life situations. There are so much more things that Jesus said and many other Christian quotes that were not written down on this list. Jesus is the heir of all things. He is God in the flesh. He is the propitiation for our sins. Jesus is the founder of our salvation. Jesus is the same forever. He will always be the only way into Heaven. Without Jesus there is no life. All the good in your life comes from Christ. Glory be to our Lord. Repent and put your trust in Christ today. Compilation of the best Quotes for life: let these inspirational Bible verses bring you peace in your life. Let these powerful Bible quotes resonate in your actions.

Woman of god quotes

The Bible is filled with wisdom and encouragement for women of all ages. Let’s take a look at Bible verses for women to better understand the special role that God has for all women. We are all created equal in the image of God. You will be inspired and challenged when you realize all that the Lord has in store for you as a woman of God! Discover the best Bible verses for women in this collection of scriptures quotes! A Prayer to Know Your Worth Dear Lord, Thank You for fearfully and wonderfully creating each of us. Thank You for giving us worth in Your eyes. Help us live as the one You uniquely intended us to be. Help us abide instead of strive, living peacefully and joyfully as daughters of God and co-heirs with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Without women in our lives, the world just wouldn’t be the same. Jesus was brought into the world by a strong woman and, even at the beginning of humanit,y God put a woman on Earth to accompany man. There are many Bible verses about women that show their strength time and time again during hardship, life’s most fearful moments, and in happy times, too. God made women in his image for a special reason, and the word of the Lord reminds us of this fact each and every day through specific verses and stories passed down of powerful women such as Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruth, and more. These leaders, mothers, and faith-filled forces were spiritual guides during their lifetimes and are still inspirations for us women today. Look towards these scripture verses and important figures next time you want to remind yourself of how much a woman can accomplish — especially with the power of her faith behind her.

God quotes in the bible

The God quotes in the bible is full of verses pointing to God. God was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He is the messiah that all the prophesies point to. If you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ you will have victory over death. If you are seeking for your verse of the day, look no further. Use this list as one of your study tools or your Bible study. The following verses will prove God is the living God who came to fulfill the law and the prophets. If there’s one thing you can learn from the past year, it’s that you can find faith in anything. Whether you find it in random acts of kindness, books, nature and or even in some of your favorite Bible verses, all it takes is one word that truly speaks to you to make you feel like you can keep going. The Bible has words of wisdom to help you through difficult experiences like grief, anxiety, and depression. But there are also Bible quotes to help you celebrate your moments of joy, family, and love. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, the Bible has words to lift you up and remind you that you are loved. These verses from the Bible can change your perspective on life. Maybe you’re looking for some guidance around your relationships and friendships, or maybe you’re looking for words to keep you going when parenting gets tough. Or perhaps you’re just looking for something to bring a smile to your face and give you direction for tonight’s prayer discussion. Whatever you’re looking for, these powerful Bible verses are sure to help guide you.

Man of god quotes

Man of God” is the description given to a man that follows God in every way, who obeys His commands with joy, who does not live for the things of this life but for the things of eternity, who willingly serves his God in giving freely of all his resources yet gladly suffers as a consequence of his faith. Perhaps Micah 6:8 sums up the man of God in one neat verse: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Men need encouragement, Godly wisdom, and hope today more than ever. While the world tends to tell men to hide their emotions and act tough, God’s Word is filled with men who passionately and whole-heartedly sought God with their heart, mind, and soul! God has a special calling for men to be strong, courageous leaders, and His Scripture can provide the inspiration you need to take daily steps towards your calling. This collection of Bible verses for men will encourage you as you grow in your faith and seek God’s wisdom for your life. Use these throughout your day to remind yourself of the type of man you should strive to be and why. What does it look like to be true men of faith? The world gives us such a distorted picture of what it means to be a man, here’s what the Bible says. Movies, TV, the internet, it feels like everywhere we turn we see images of what the world says a real man should be like. For the most part, the world portrays a real man to be some sort of macho, testosterone driven, wealthy, successful guy who drives a car that costs more than most of our homes. Yet at the same time, we see versions of these so-called “real men” working countless hours trying to support their excessive lifestyles, while spending little to no time with their families and often leaving their wives for “someone who can truly make them happy”.

God quotes tattoos

God quotes Tattoos are a permanent type of body art, but like most things in life, can also be temporary. A tattoo artist will show you the many designs of God tattoos and give you advice on what type of image would work best for you. This tattoo is an exact replica of God Tattoos. Made with a special technology that will last for many years. you can expect to receive a lot of attention when wearing this tattoo and people will be asking you where did you get that! features a full color photo of god sitting on a cross, applied with a transfer sticker to protect the tattoo during application and removed after application. water proof and easy to apply. perfect for parties or other events.

God jesus

The Bible makes it all too clear that God exists and that Jesus Christ is, in fact, eternal and the Savior. That being said, it is difficult to choose verses which directly state this idea as so many of them instead indirectly state this fact by referencing Him. However, we have found some verses in Isaiah, Matthew, and John’s Gospel which reference God’s existence and Jesus’ divinity. We are a Nation of God. As a Christian, I believe we all want what’s best for us and our family. This is why we must think – will God jesus help or hurt America and her people? Most importantly, will God jesus restore the spiritual condition that led to our inception as nation, or lead us further down the path of moral mischief? We must have faith. We have seen time and time again that other gods have failed to bring peace and prosperity to our people. I call upon all Christians to join with me to fight this great evil before it consumes us from within.

Jesus lamb of god

The names of God tell us important information about who God is. So do the names of Jesus, and we hear about Jesus being the Lamb of God a lot, especially at Easter. Keep reading to learn more about why Jesus is called that and the incredible implications it has for us even today. Most of us picture lambs as downy white animals frolicking in rolling green meadows or carried tenderly in the arms of their shepherd. Lambs represent gentleness, purity, and innocence. Though it is one of the most tender images of Christ in the New Testament, the phrase “Lamb of God” would have conjured far more disturbing pictures to those who heard John the Baptist hail Jesus with these words. Hadn’t many of them, at one time or another, carried one of their own lambs to the altar to be slaughtered as a sacrifice for their sins, a lamb that they had fed and bathed, the best animal in their small flock? Hadn’t the bloody sacrifice of an innocent animal provided a vivid image of the consequences of transgressing the Mosaic law? Surely, John must have shocked his listeners by applying the phrase “Lamb of God” to a living man. When we pray to Jesus as the Lamb of God, we are praying to the One who voluntarily laid down his life to take in his own body the punishment for our sins and for the sins of the entire world.

God jesus christ

Do you need Jesus quotes? In the New Testament there are many words of Jesus that can help us with everyday life situations. There are so much more things that Jesus said and many other Christian quotes that were not written down on this list. Jesus is the heir of all things. He is God in the flesh. He is the propitiation for our sins. Jesus is the founder of our salvation. Jesus is the same forever. He will always be the only way into Heaven. Without Jesus there is no life. All the good in your life comes from Christ. Glory be to our Lord. Repent and put your trust in Christ today.

God jesus father

God the Father is a title given to God in various religions, most prominently in Christianity. In mainstream trinitarian Christianity, God the Father is regarded as the first person of the Trinity, followed by the second person, God the Son Jesus Christ, and the third person, God the Holy Spirit. Since the second century, Christian creeds included affirmation of belief in “God the Father (Almighty)”, primarily in his capacity as “Father and creator of the universe”. However, in Christianity the concept of God as the father of Jesus Christ goes metaphysically further than the concept of God as the creator and father of all people, as indicated in the Apostles’ Creed where the expression of belief in the “Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth” is immediately, but separately followed by in “Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord”, thus expressing both senses of fatherhood.

God jesus words

Jesus is called, “the Word of God.” Although Scripture does not define what is meant by that term it could refer to the fact that He is the personification of the written and spoken word. The testimony that God revealed through the prophets during the Old Testament period was now made human with the coming of Christ. Hence the Word became flesh.

God bless

Well God bless you too. Your “god” is the tyrant of a universe in which we find ourselves the victims of countless abominations. We find our home on this planet, to be a disgusting heap of filth. Our only ambition is to leave it as soon as possible with as many of our kind as possible and never set foot here again. and the Lord spake, saying, “First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.”

God bless america

In her book, God Bless America: The Surprising History of an Iconic Song, music scholar Sheryl Kaskowitz reveals fascinating, little-known facts about this patriotic tune. Below, she shares six things Americans may not know about the “other national anthem.” If you grew up in the United States, chances are you can sing “God Bless America.” You might not remember exactly where you learned it, but you probably know most of the words, and you may find yourself singing along with the simple melody. Although it has become a part of our American consciousness, the history of “God Bless America” is more complex than it seems.

God bless the broken road

God Bless the Broken Road is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk. A loose interpretation of the 1994 song “Bless the Broken Road,” the plot follows a mother who loses her husband in the War in Afghanistan and must cope with the loss. The film stars Lindsay Pulsipher, Makenzie Moss, Andrew Walker, Kim Delaney, Robin Givens, Gary Grubbs, Arthur Cartwright, LaDainian Tomlinson, Madeline Carroll, Ian Van Houten, and Jordin Sparks. It was released in the United States on September 7, 2018, by Freestyle Releasing.

God bless you

God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression generally used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction. The phrase has been used in the Hebrew Bible by Jews, and by Christians, since the time of the early Church as a benediction, as well as a means of bidding a person Godspeed. Many clergy, when blessing their congregants individually or as a group, use the phrase “God bless you”.

God bless quotes

Reminding ourselves of our everyday blessings is a great way to practice gratitude. It helps us remember all the good things in our lives and keep us moving forward. So whether you’re looking for a motivational reminder, something to pick you up if you’re feeling down, or a simple blessing to start your morning– we have you covered. We’ve made a complete list of our top picks for blessed quotes, just for you. To find your new favorite blessed quotes, start reading below.

God bless this mess

“My life was a complete mess, and God bless all of it. Because it’s in the messes where we learn the most–as long as we slow down enough to realize what God is trying to show us.” Suddenly in the spotlight, twenty-four-year-old Hannah Brown realized that she wasn’t sure what she wanted. After years of competing in beauty pageants, and then starring on The Bachelorette and Dancing with the Stars, she had become incredibly visible. There she was, in her early twenties, with millions around the world examining and weighing in on her every decision. She found herself wondering what it would mean to live on her terms. What it would mean to stop seeking approval from others and decide–for the first time–what it was she wanted from her own life. An honest and earnest examination of her own mid-twenties, God Bless This Mess is a memoir that doesn’t claim to have all the answers. Hannah knows she doesn’t have all the answers. What she does have is the insight of someone who has spent critical years of her youth under public scrutiny. Thus what emerges is a quarter-life memoir that speaks to the set of difficulties young women face, and how to move through them with grace. By pushing against her engrained need to seek approval, and learning how to think critically about her own goals and desires, Hannah inspires others to do the same – and to embrace the messiness that comes hand-in-hand with self-discovery (even it that sometimes means falling flat on your face). Using her time on The Bachelorette as a launching pad, Hannah doesn’t shy away from the most painful experiences of her life: moments when her faith was tested, when she feared it was lost, and the moments when she reclaimed it on national television. “And Jesus still loves me.” Fans will be inspired by the never-before-told stories: the ones about facing depression and anxiety during her pageant years, the ways in which therapy and journaling have proven to be a saving grace, and the previously private moments – both at home and on television – that have shaped the star’s outlook. Honest and emotionally urgent, God Bless This Mess is a reminder that true growth doesn’t come without strife–and it’s through those dark, messy moments that self-acceptance and love can bloom

God bless bible verse

Every day, we receive some blessing from God. From simple things like food in my house to the roof over my head, there are signs of God’s provisions everywhere. When you trust in the Lord, God will bless you in the fruit of the Spirit. Christian living is full of the blessings of God if you are willing to look for it. Living in the glory of Christ Jesus is like a tree planted firmly in the ground. If you continue to water it, it will bear fruit. It’s not easy to abide in the law of the Lord. But the gift of God keeps on giving. Rest your minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord, your God, is the shepherd of your spiritual life. You can hear His voice within the word of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide your path. Guard your hears and your minds from the counsel of the wicked. Incorporate these verses within your daily Bible study. Let the righteous right hand of God lead you to green pastures.

God bless me

Said when saying goodbye to someone, to say that you hope good things will happen to them : Good night everyone, and God bless. said when someone sneezes, to say that you hope they have good health: “Achoo!” “God bless you.” Welcoming, greeting & greetings.

9/11 god bless america

On this date, after evacuating the Capitol earlier in the day, roughly 150 Members of Congress came together in the evening on the building’s East Front steps to convey the resolve of the nation during a time of great tragedy. Senators stood by Representatives, Democrats next to Republicans, and the leadership of both houses gathered as a symbol of strength for a country shocked and saddened by the day’s barbaric acts of terrorism. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert of Illinois addressed the Nation: “When America suffers, and when people perpetrate acts against this country, we as a Congress and a government stand united and we stand together to fight this evil threat. Those who brought forth this evil deed will pay the price.” After Members observed a moment of silence over the day’s tragedies, those assembled broke into an impromptu rendition of “God Bless America.” The image of the Congress standing strong and united became an important source of inspiration in the days following the attack. The outpouring of patriotism reverberated around the world. “One of the most poignant images as the symbols of US economic and military power burned was the spontaneous singing of God Bless America by members of Congress,” observed a reporter with The Australian, one of Australia’s leading national newspapers. “They stood shaken and tearful on the steps of the Capitol, their love of nation and all that it symbolizes plain for the world to see.” During his September 20, 2001, Joint Session address, President George W. Bush applauded the Members who embodied the country’s tenacity. “I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time,” he remarked. “All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol singing ‘God Bless America.’”