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Well God bless you too. Your “god” is the tyrant of a universe in which we find ourselves the victims of countless abominations. We find our home on this planet, to be a disgusting heap of filth. Our only ambition is to leave it as soon as possible with as many of our kind as possible and never set foot here again. and the Lord spake, saying, “First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.”
God bless america
In her book, God Bless America: The Surprising History of an Iconic Song, music scholar Sheryl Kaskowitz reveals fascinating, little-known facts about this patriotic tune. Below, she shares six things Americans may not know about the “other national anthem.” If you grew up in the United States, chances are you can sing “God Bless America.” You might not remember exactly where you learned it, but you probably know most of the words, and you may find yourself singing along with the simple melody. Although it has become a part of our American consciousness, the history of “God Bless America” is more complex than it seems.
God bless the broken road
God Bless the Broken Road is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk. A loose interpretation of the 1994 song “Bless the Broken Road,” the plot follows a mother who loses her husband in the War in Afghanistan and must cope with the loss. The film stars Lindsay Pulsipher, Makenzie Moss, Andrew Walker, Kim Delaney, Robin Givens, Gary Grubbs, Arthur Cartwright, LaDainian Tomlinson, Madeline Carroll, Ian Van Houten, and Jordin Sparks. It was released in the United States on September 7, 2018, by Freestyle Releasing.
God bless you
God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression generally used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction. The phrase has been used in the Hebrew Bible by Jews, and by Christians, since the time of the early Church as a benediction, as well as a means of bidding a person Godspeed. Many clergy, when blessing their congregants individually or as a group, use the phrase “God bless you”.
God bless quotes
Reminding ourselves of our everyday blessings is a great way to practice gratitude. It helps us remember all the good things in our lives and keep us moving forward. So whether you’re looking for a motivational reminder, something to pick you up if you’re feeling down, or a simple blessing to start your morning– we have you covered. We’ve made a complete list of our top picks for blessed quotes, just for you. To find your new favorite blessed quotes, start reading below.
God bless this mess
“My life was a complete mess, and God bless all of it. Because it’s in the messes where we learn the most–as long as we slow down enough to realize what God is trying to show us.” Suddenly in the spotlight, twenty-four-year-old Hannah Brown realized that she wasn’t sure what she wanted. After years of competing in beauty pageants, and then starring on The Bachelorette and Dancing with the Stars, she had become incredibly visible. There she was, in her early twenties, with millions around the world examining and weighing in on her every decision. She found herself wondering what it would mean to live on her terms. What it would mean to stop seeking approval from others and decide–for the first time–what it was she wanted from her own life. An honest and earnest examination of her own mid-twenties, God Bless This Mess is a memoir that doesn’t claim to have all the answers. Hannah knows she doesn’t have all the answers. What she does have is the insight of someone who has spent critical years of her youth under public scrutiny. Thus what emerges is a quarter-life memoir that speaks to the set of difficulties young women face, and how to move through them with grace. By pushing against her engrained need to seek approval, and learning how to think critically about her own goals and desires, Hannah inspires others to do the same – and to embrace the messiness that comes hand-in-hand with self-discovery (even it that sometimes means falling flat on your face). Using her time on The Bachelorette as a launching pad, Hannah doesn’t shy away from the most painful experiences of her life: moments when her faith was tested, when she feared it was lost, and the moments when she reclaimed it on national television. “And Jesus still loves me.” Fans will be inspired by the never-before-told stories: the ones about facing depression and anxiety during her pageant years, the ways in which therapy and journaling have proven to be a saving grace, and the previously private moments – both at home and on television – that have shaped the star’s outlook. Honest and emotionally urgent, God Bless This Mess is a reminder that true growth doesn’t come without strife–and it’s through those dark, messy moments that self-acceptance and love can bloom
God bless bible verse
Every day, we receive some blessing from God. From simple things like food in my house to the roof over my head, there are signs of God’s provisions everywhere. When you trust in the Lord, God will bless you in the fruit of the Spirit. Christian living is full of the blessings of God if you are willing to look for it. Living in the glory of Christ Jesus is like a tree planted firmly in the ground. If you continue to water it, it will bear fruit. It’s not easy to abide in the law of the Lord. But the gift of God keeps on giving. Rest your minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord, your God, is the shepherd of your spiritual life. You can hear His voice within the word of God. Let the Holy Spirit guide your path. Guard your hears and your minds from the counsel of the wicked. Incorporate these verses within your daily Bible study. Let the righteous right hand of God lead you to green pastures.
God bless me
Said when saying goodbye to someone, to say that you hope good things will happen to them : Good night everyone, and God bless. said when someone sneezes, to say that you hope they have good health: “Achoo!” “God bless you.” Welcoming, greeting & greetings.
9/11 god bless america
On this date, after evacuating the Capitol earlier in the day, roughly 150 Members of Congress came together in the evening on the building’s East Front steps to convey the resolve of the nation during a time of great tragedy. Senators stood by Representatives, Democrats next to Republicans, and the leadership of both houses gathered as a symbol of strength for a country shocked and saddened by the day’s barbaric acts of terrorism. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert of Illinois addressed the Nation: “When America suffers, and when people perpetrate acts against this country, we as a Congress and a government stand united and we stand together to fight this evil threat. Those who brought forth this evil deed will pay the price.” After Members observed a moment of silence over the day’s tragedies, those assembled broke into an impromptu rendition of “God Bless America.” The image of the Congress standing strong and united became an important source of inspiration in the days following the attack. The outpouring of patriotism reverberated around the world. “One of the most poignant images as the symbols of US economic and military power burned was the spontaneous singing of God Bless America by members of Congress,” observed a reporter with The Australian, one of Australia’s leading national newspapers. “They stood shaken and tearful on the steps of the Capitol, their love of nation and all that it symbolizes plain for the world to see.” During his September 20, 2001, Joint Session address, President George W. Bush applauded the Members who embodied the country’s tenacity. “I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time,” he remarked. “All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol singing ‘God Bless America.’”