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The LGBT community (or LGBTQ community or GLBT community), also referred to as the gay community, is a loosely defined grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, LGBT organizations, and subcultures, united by a common culture and social movements. These communities generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality.

LGBT people are those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. The LGBT community is diverse and the experience varies from person to person. Being LGBT means finding yourself in an ocean of labels and identities. Whether you are bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer or anything else (or not), we support you!

LGBT flags

The LGBT community has adopted certain symbols for self-identification to demonstrate unity, pride, shared values, and allegiance to one another. LGBT symbols communicate ideas, concepts, and identity both within their communities and to mainstream culture. The two most-recognized international LGBT symbols are the pink triangle and the rainbow flag. Buy the best-quality LGBT flags, pride flags and gay flags online here at Pride Depot! Celebrate LGBTQ pride with our selection of colorful rainbow and transgender pride flags—including our exclusive air furl rainbow flag. Check out our LGBT outdoor decor and flags for every occasion!

LGBTQ flags meaning

Tons of people use the rainbow flag to represent the LGBTQ community, but it’s not the only flag that people in the community connect with. Different groups, genders, and identities have come up with their own flags over the years to bring awareness to their unique needs and experiences. While many Pride events may look a little different this year as the world continues to stay safe amid COVID-19, there are still tons of ways to celebrate. Find various design of colorful flags for lgbt community with meanings.High-Quality original designs and colors will add life to your rainbow pride party or just simply decorating your home. The best pride flags in the world, they are top-quality gay flags. we have all types of lgbtq+ flags: gay flag, transgender flag, bisexual flag, asexual flag, pansexual flag…Everyone who purchase a pride flag want to stand out and show off their individuality.

The LGBTQ flags

When you think about symbols of the LGBTQ community, the rainbow-colored pride flag probably comes to mind right away. Its iconic stripes and hues can be found on flagpoles, front porches, and lapel pins (not to mention plenty of other merchandise). But do you know the meaning behind the flag and how the rainbow came to be associated with gay rights? How about the fact that there have been several iterations of the rainbow flag, as it has evolved over time? Or that there’s actually a total of more than 20 different LGBTQ flags? Far more than pieces of fabric, these LGBTQ flags tell the story of the individuals they represent—acting as tools of visibility in a society that does its best to ignore their basic human and civil rights. As you’re learning more about what LGBTQ stands for, ways to be an LGBTQ ally, and why Pride Month is in June, find out more about the meaning of some of the many LGBTQ flags, as well. Here’s a brief introduction to 24 of them.

LGBTQ flags colors

Lgbtq flags colors: This is the most colorful month of the year since the LGBTQ+ pride is celebrated. The RAINBOW flag is used widely but it is not the only flag that people in the community connect with. Did you know that there are more than 20 different Pride Flags? Martin Granic, an ambassador of Volvo Group’s internal LGBTQ+ network called V-EAGLE tells us what they stand for. Everyone has their personal story and reason for using a pride flag. For some it gives a feeling of belonging, for others it might be a way of coming out, and for others it is a way to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community. It all started in 1977… It was created in 1977 by Gilbert Baker, an artist, activist, and openly gay military veteran. Tasked by Harvey Milk, a historic figure in the fight for LGBTQ rights, to create a flag for the queer community, Baker created a rainbow flag with eight different colors. Inspired by the classic song “Over the Rainbow” from the 1939 film The Wizard from Oz, Baker created a rainbow flag to represent LGBTQ folks. Each color in the flag also had a specific meaning.

LGBT flags and their meanings

Over the last 40-plus years, the rainbow pride flag has become a symbol synonymous with the LGBTQ+ community and its fight for equal rights and acceptance across the globe. It’s also a celebration of the beauty and diversity of the experience, flown at pride events all throughout the month of June. Since Gilbert Baker first created the original rainbow pride flag back in 1978, designers and activists of all genders, identities, and sexual orientations have made different iterations to reflect unique communities. Some, like the two-spirit pride flag and the updated pride flag, incorporate Baker’s original design while adding more colors and elements to acknowledge both Native Americans and the broader POC community, respectively. There has been a meaningful uptick in new pride flags since 2010, with variants for intersex, non-binary, and agender people produced. Marilyn Roxie, the designer of the genderqueer pride flag, told Majestic Mess that the rise in social media platforms and other internet hubs for queer people has been hugely important in leading to the creation of new flags. “Online communities have been tremendously influential, giving people a virtual space to do research on possibilities and especially to find others who feel similarly,” they said. “Though I started reading about gender and sexuality right away in my college library the first semester I started there, the online component allowed me to browse through forums and articles and to chat with people who seemed to identify like I did when I was in the process of figuring it all out.” Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, and there are regularly more pride flags being created to reflect different groups, but hopefully this information can prove useful as you learn about and champion the LGBTQ+ people in your life.

LGBT pride

LGBT pride or queer pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements throughout the world. Pride has lent its name to LGBT-themed organizations, institutes, foundations, book titles, periodicals and even a cable TV station and the Pride Library. Ranging from solemn to carnivalesque, pride events are typically held during LGBT Pride Month or some other period that commemorates a turning point in a country’s LGBT history LGBT pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group.

LGBT pride month

Pride Month is celebrated every June as a tribute to those who were involved in the Stonewall Riots. We’re getting ready to dust off our rainbow flags, douse ourselves in glitter, and go join in the fun. With parades, festivals, and concerts going on across the globe, there’s always some way for you to get involved — as well as learn some important social history along the way. LGBT pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements. Pride has lent its name to LGBT-themed organizations, institutes, foundations, book titles, periodicals, a cable TV station, and the Pride Library. Ranging from solemn to carnivalesque, pride events are typically held during LGBT Pride Month or some other period that commemorates a turning point in a country’s LGBT history, for example Moscow Pride in May for the anniversary of Russia’s 1993 decriminalization of homosexuality. Some pride events include LGBT pride parades and marches, rallies, commemorations, community days, dance parties, and festivals. Common symbols of pride include the rainbow or pride flag, the lowercase Greek letter lambda (λ), the pink triangle and the black triangle, these latter two reclaimed from use as badges of shame in Nazi concentration camps.

LGBT pride tattoos

A permanent reminder of who you are and what you stand for, a Pride tattoo is one of the most inspiring tattoos you could get. Whether it be a rainbow, an equal sign, or a colorful heartbeat, there are so many wonderful and inspiring ideas to choose from. In honor of Pride Month, we’ve rounded up some moving LGBTQ+ tattoos that we’re basically obsessing over. They’re so amazing and beautiful and wonderful, and they are a great way to embrace the love is love movement. Check ’em all out, ahead. Then this is the perfect article for you! We have all the rainbow tattoo, unicorn tattoo, and LGBT tattoo ideas for you! The LGBTQ community has a meaningful history of tattooing. LGBTQ tattoos were used for secret messages – people chose to tattoo iconic LGBT symbols on themselves to be recognized by other LGBTQIA+ people. And in a way that might still be the appeal for LGBTQIA+ people these days. Tattoos help with being visible. They help make a statement about who you are and how you feel. There has always been a stigma on tattoos (my mum still thinks tattoos are mutilation of the body), but over recent years, public opinion is shifting. Tattoos don’t always have to be radical, they can be aesthetic, cute even! Tattoos have officially become mainstream popular! Everyone should be able to love freely. Pride tattoos, thoughtfully designed and often bursting with a beautiful array of colors, can give off a comforting visual reminder to those who identify as LGBTQ+ that they are loved and not alone as we continue to fight for the community’s access to equal rights, support, and safety. Pride month may be around the corner, but every day we’re tuning in to some of our favorite queer romance films and making sure to support LGBTQ+-owned brands. For those who want to show their pride on their sleeve (or ear, in the form of a delicately drawn cuff), here are some of our favorite pride tattoos to look to for inspiration.

LGBT quotes

This collection of lgbt quotes is intended to uplift you and give you an opportunity to see the world through the eyes of people who have been where you are. The community faces many challenges, like discrimination, violence and depression, and these difficulties can be compounded when they intersect with race and poverty. But as many LGBT individuals have found, there’s also a sense of empowerment that comes with embracing your sexual orientation or gender identity. Discover a list of the most powerful lgbt quotes. These words of encouragement are perfect to share with your friends and family members in times of need. Don’t forget that you have an important role to play in helping others feel supported and empowered.

LGBT quotes love

LGBT quotes, love is love quotes, and love wins quotes are the perfect way to celebrate Pride Month. LGBT quotes love you right back, so why not spread the love and share them with your Queer friends? With events such as Transgender Awareness Week, National Coming Out Day, and the iconic Gay Pride parade that happen every year, people who identify as LGBTQIA are able to express pride in being themselves in these safe spaces. If you’re searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) … look no further! From the sweetest LGBT quotes, love and inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we’ve got you covered.

LGBT quotes pride

LGBT Pride Month is finally here, but let’s make one thing clear: Everyone should be able to honor their identity, sexuality and heart at all times. No matter who or how you love, you should love yourself for it. The LGBTQIA+ community has made dramatic strides in recent decades that absolutely should be celebrated, there is still much more work to do to ensure intersectional equality and justice for all. Whether you identify as a member of the community or an ally, these LGBTQ quotes and LGBTQIA+ quotes will inspire you to walk with your head high and love who you love—and to fight for everyone to have the right to do the same.

LGBT quotes inspirational

Inspirational LGBTQ quotes celebrating pride month show the importance of the progress being made for the community. Each year Pride Month takes place during the month of June. This is a time when the LGBTQ community works together to raise awareness around injustice in the community. While many people think of it as parades and protests, it’s more than that. It’s a chance for the community to work on bringing about change in society. It’s activism in action as people work toward political change, acceptance, and equal rights for those in the LGBTQ community. The following LGBTQ quotes celebrate what Pride Month is all about.

LGBT pride month

Pride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots, and works to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) Americans. with lgbt pride month right around the corner, i wanted to make sure that everyone has something to celebrate this year! we’ve put together some bright and comfortable clothing items including tops, Mug, flag, and socks in both rainbow patterns and pastel patterns. shop today and start celebrating!

LGBT tattoo

The LGBT tattoo is a simple and elegant symbol of love and equality. You’ve probably seen it showing up in pop culture, on your favorite celebs and tastemakers, or even on that barista who makes your latte every morning. And it’s got us wondering: What is the lgbt tattoo, where did it come from, and what does it mean? Perfect for activists and allies! Get your hands on our LGBT temporary tattoo today. These temporary tattoos of the gay rights flag and the bi flag are perfect for all ages, so get yours now.

LGBTQ tattoos

You might have seen a lot of LGBTQ tattoo designs, pride tattoos, and other similar designs all over the internet especially during pride month and might have considered getting one for a long time now for the world to see your pro LGBT views. Being a member of this community or just a supporter or ally of the community is something that must be celebrated because they have been downtrodden for too long. Thus, just like how every story ends with a rainbow, it is great to get yourself a rainbow tattoo to show your respect for your fellow who might still be facing the repercussions. If you want an LGBTQ tattoo for yourself to remind you to be proud of who you are, then getting a rainbow tattoo is the perfect option for you. Not only will you feel proud of it but will also help others to gain some strength and let them have the courage to make their own tattoo design. It would be pretty encouraging for others to come out of the closet and get an LGBT design for themselves. There are many options and designs that you can select from bleeding rainbow tattoo to just simple words, to show the world that love is love no matter what the sexual orientation or the gender of the person is. You can use these inspirations tattoos by adding some inspiring quotes or lyrics from songs that already exist and support the LGBT community. After all, these rainbow tattoos look pretty beautiful and might mean something different or different to people. No matter what your purpose es to get an LGBTQ tattoo design. Make sure your tattoo design is made by a professional. Any tattoo no matter what the design can be pretty harmful to the skin or maybe life if not administered properly. Several factors must also be taken into account when you are getting LGBT tattoos like how your society reacts to it and how liberal your own kins are. Besides, your placement options are also very important. Health conditions must also be taken into consideration if anything else. Without further ado, we present some beautiful LGBT tattoo ideas that you can choose from and customize the list of 100 LGBT tattoos which we are providing below. Be ready to embrace your sexual orientation!

LGBT pride tattoo

A permanent reminder of who you are and what you stand for, a Pride tattoo is one of the most inspiring tattoos you could get. Whether it be a rainbow, an equal sign, or a colorful heartbeat, there are so many wonderful and inspiring ideas to choose from. In honor of Pride Month, we’ve rounded up some moving LGBTQ+ tattoos that we’re basically obsessing over. They’re so amazing and beautiful and wonderful, and they are a great way to embrace the love is love movement. Check ’em all out, ahead. Then this is the perfect article for you! We have all the rainbow tattoo, unicorn tattoo, and LGBT tattoo ideas for you! The LGBTQ community has a meaningful history of tattooing. LGBTQ tattoos were used for secret messages – people chose to tattoo iconic LGBT symbols on themselves to be recognized by other LGBTQIA+ people. And in a way that might still be the appeal for LGBTQIA+ people these days. Tattoos help with being visible. They help make a statement about who you are and how you feel. There has always been a stigma on tattoos (my mum still thinks tattoos are mutilation of the body), but over recent years, public opinion is shifting. Tattoos don’t always have to be radical, they can be aesthetic, cute even! Tattoos have officially become mainstream popular! Everyone should be able to love freely. Pride tattoos, thoughtfully designed and often bursting with a beautiful array of colors, can give off a comforting visual reminder to those who identify as LGBTQ+ that they are loved and not alone as we continue to fight for the community’s access to equal rights, support, and safety. Pride month may be around the corner, but every day we’re tuning in to some of our favorite queer romance films and making sure to support LGBTQ+-owned brands. For those who want to show their pride on their sleeve (or ear, in the form of a delicately drawn cuff), here are some of our favorite pride tattoos to look to for inspiration.

LGBT day

LGBT Day (UK: , US: ), or LesBiGayTrans Day, is an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) culture and pride. It is observed during LGBT Pride Month or on May 17. The earliest LGBT day may have been in 1989. It was started as way to celebrate being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and to fight prejudice. Two major events that have a LGBT Day include Toronto and San Francisco. Many other cities hold events such as parades, picnics, parties, workshops, symposia and concerts. LGBT Day is a day to celebrate the LGBT culture and communities. It’s observed around the world and in South Korea, people celebrate by gathering at Jongno district and have a parade.

LGBT days

LGBT Tech released the LGBTQ Days of Significance Calendar on their website. The calendar, which LGBT Tech has been developing since late 2019, seeks to provide an international compilation of days important to the LGBTQ+ community. Each event on the calendar provides historical background for the event in question, as well as additional resources for those interested in learning more. With this resource, LGBT Tech hopes to give visibility to the incredible diversity of the international LGBTQ+ community, while also highlighting important moments in LGBTQ+ history. 

Though expansive in scope, this calendar is by no means comprehensive. While our intention has been to include as much as possible, we recognize our own limitations in putting this calendar together. As an LGBTQ+ organization focused primarily on policy in the United States, we tend to focus on the LGBTQ+ communities closest to home rather than the larger international LGBTQ+ community. We hope that by opening up the calendar beyond ourselves, we can update it continuously to include everyone within the global LGBTQ+ community.