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LGBT Day (UK: , US: ), or LesBiGayTrans Day, is an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) culture and pride. It is observed during LGBT Pride Month or on May 17. The earliest LGBT day may have been in 1989. It was started as way to celebrate being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and to fight prejudice. Two major events that have a LGBT Day include Toronto and San Francisco. Many other cities hold events such as parades, picnics, parties, workshops, symposia and concerts. LGBT Day is a day to celebrate the LGBT culture and communities. It’s observed around the world and in South Korea, people celebrate by gathering at Jongno district and have a parade.
Lgbtq days
On Tuesday, February 11, LGBT Tech released the LGBTQ+ Days of Significance Calendar on their website. The calendar, which LGBT Tech has been developing since late 2019, seeks to provide an international compilation of days important to the LGBTQ+ community. Each event on the calendar provides historical background for the event in question, as well as additional resources for those interested in learning more. With this resource, LGBT Tech hopes to give visibility to the incredible diversity of the international LGBTQ+ community, while also highlighting important moments in LGBTQ+ history.
Though expansive in scope, this calendar is by no means comprehensive. While our intention has been to include as much as possible, we recognize our own limitations in putting this calendar together. As an LGBTQ+ organization focused primarily on policy in the United States, we tend to focus on the LGBTQ+ communities closest to home rather than the larger international LGBTQ+ community. We hope that by opening up the calendar beyond ourselves, we can update it continuously to include everyone within the global LGBTQ+ community.