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This collection of LGBT quotes is intended to uplift you and give you an opportunity to see the world through the eyes of people who have been where you are. The community faces many challenges, like discrimination, violence and depression, and these difficulties can be compounded when they intersect with race and poverty. But as many LGBT individuals have found, there’s also a sense of empowerment that comes with embracing your sexual orientation or gender identity. Discover a list of the most powerful lgbt quotes. These words of encouragement are perfect to share with your friends and family members in times of need. Don’t forget that you have an important role to play in helping others feel supported and empowered.

LGBT quotes love

LGBT quotes, love is love quotes, and love wins quotes are the perfect way to celebrate Pride Month. LGBT quotes love you right back, so why not spread the love and share them with your Queer friends? With events such as Transgender Awareness Week, National Coming Out Day, and the iconic Gay Pride parade that happen every year, people who identify as LGBTQIA are able to express pride in being themselves in these safe spaces. If you’re searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) … look no further! From the sweetest LGBT quotes, love and inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we’ve got you covered.

LGBT quotes pride

LGBT quote pride is finally here, but let’s make one thing clear: Everyone should be able to honor their identity, sexuality and heart at all times. No matter who or how you love, you should love yourself for it. The LGBTQIA+ community has made dramatic strides in recent decades that absolutely should be celebrated, there is still much more work to do to ensure intersectional equality and justice for all. Whether you identify as a member of the community or an ally, these LGBTQ quotes and LGBTQIA+ quotes will inspire you to walk with your head high and love who you love—and to fight for everyone to have the right to do the same.

LGBT quotes inspirational

Inspirational LGBTQ quotes celebrating pride month show the importance of the progress being made for the community. Each year Pride Month takes place during the month of June. This is a time when the LGBTQ community works together to raise awareness around injustice in the community. While many people think of it as parades and protests, it’s more than that. It’s a chance for the community to work on bringing about change in society. It’s activism in action as people work toward political change, acceptance, and equal rights for those in the LGBTQ community. The following LGBTQ quotes celebrate what Pride Month is all about.