Support Drag Community s a hot topic now. However, not everyone can clearly understand Drag Community. This article will help you know more information about Drag Community.


Who is the Drag Community – Drag Queen – Drag King?

drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes. Historically, drag queens have usually been gay men, and have been part of gay culture.

People do drag for reasons ranging from self-expression to mainstream performance. Drag shows frequently include lip-syncing, live singing, and dancing. They typically occur at LGBT pride parades, drag pageants, cabarets, carnivals, and nightclubs. Drag queens vary by type, culture, and dedication, from professionals who star in films and spend a lot of their time in their drag personas, to people who do drag only occasionally. Women who dress as men and entertain by imitating them are called drag kings.

Those who do occasional drag may be from other backgrounds than the LGBT community. There is a long history of folkloric and theatrical cross-dressing that involves people of all orientations. Not everyone who does drag at some point in their lives is a drag queen or a drag king.

Drag is an art form and a political statement


Drag queens have for decades been a vital part of the LGBTUA+ community. As an art form and a social and political statement pioneered by gay men and transgender women, drag made up culture and community of its own, always on the cutting edge of underground art scenes and queer subcultures. Drag queens were a central presence at the Stonewall Riots in New York, fighting for their rights and the rights of their communities. Now, drag’s seemingly entered a new era; becoming increasingly more popular, and entering the mainstream media landscape.

For many, drag is a way to experiment with gender, be free from societal confines, and explore or define who you are. Jake, a 22-year-old student, used to perform as drag queen Katie-Jane. Through drag, he “found that gender was not simple” and “began to question my own gender.” He adds that “drag allowed me to discover my own identity.”

In this way, drag can be seen as still just as important today as ever for people who want to be free to find and create their own identity, often away from rigid, patriarchal concepts of gender. For LGBTUA+ people, often alienated by heteronormative society and sometimes even by their families, this experience can be healing and vital, and allows them to be part of a rich community. And of course, it’s a continuation and celebration of LGBTUA+ history, heritage, and culture.

Tennessee’s ‘drag ban’ law 

A new law criminalizing drag shows is at the heart of a contentious legal battle making its way in the Tennessee courts — and a judge overseeing the legal challenges is currently siding with drag queens who argue performers’ first amendment rights will be impacted by the overbroad ban.

US District Court Judge Thomas Parker on Friday issued a 14-day temporary restraining order in favor of Friends of George’s, Inc., the drag-centric theater company based in Memphis that is suing the state’s Governor Bill Lee, Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, and District Attorney Steven Mulroy.

The restraining order prevents the law, which was set to take effect on April 1, from being enforced for two weeks while legal challenges play out in court.

Tennessee House Bill 0009 was signed into law by Lee on February 27, amending an existing clause regulating erotic performances to include “male or female impersonators” as “adult cabaret entertainment.” Performing in public or “in a location where the adult cabaret performance could be viewed by a person who is not an adult” would be a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on the second.

The bill’s passing comes as anti-trans legislation is being increasingly introduced across the nation in what legal experts have previously told Insider is political posturing as we approach the 2024 election. The Trans Legislation Tracker, which has collected data about anti-trans bills introduced since 2015, has documented 492 bills across 47 states that have been introduced this year alone, including Tennessee’s HB0009.

Drag Is Not A Crime

Drag is not a crime
Drag is not a crime

Our Tennessee queer family is under attack. With the new legislation targeting drag queens to the just-passed bill that could force trans children to go off hormone therapy!

Drag in itself is a protest and we stand by the queens and children affected by these idiot politicians.

The art of Drag is under attack in the United States and our Kings are being put in danger by the hateful rhetoric.

Show the world how you feel about Drag and the artists who perform it! You can prefer some shirts on to show your support to Drag Community, LGBTQ+, Transgender and more than that. Please check!

DRAG is not a crime
Drag is Not A Crime

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