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Whether you’re looking for a great teacher gift, or fun jokes to share with school friends, this hilarious collection of teacher humor will make you want to go back to class. Read about the hardest thing about being a student today, what students should do when they are told to be quiet, and plenty more laughs. You’ll find jokes from the funniest comedians and writers in the history of funny.

We have created a teacher joke t-shirt of tongue-in-cheek humor and quips. It is designed to give teachers a little extra laughter during their busy day.

Teacher jokes funny

These puns and jokes are great for teachers of kids, teens, and adults. They are related to classroom humor, teaching funny stories, unruly students, school subjects, math jokes and science jokes. We encourage you to share these teacher jokes with others that you know.

Our teacher jokes funny post is so good, you will laugh out loud with your kids. They are all tried and tested and family approved, just perfect for the end of the day to get some giggles going! Many of these fun teacher humor jokes have been sent to us by teachers and parents who visit our site – we are sure they will make you laugh too! These pages packed full of more teacher humor that won’t leave you short of giggle material…

Teacher math jokes

These Math Jokes are great for anyone looking to introduce a little humor into their classroom. These jokes will be fun to add to your lessons and they will also help take some of the pressure off of you, too! No matter what grade level you teach or what subject you’re teaching, these math jokes are sure to get some laughs.

If you enjoy these teacher math jokes and humor, you’ll love our free weekly funny newsletter (which includes more teacher math jokes and other educational humor!) teacher math jokes math humor and jokes are the best way to make teaching math easier. it helps students can relax during class time and give them a more positive attitude on learning. so using funny math quotes in the classroom to keep your students focused!